Dave's United States Postage Stamp Collection

1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Commemoratives

The Mayfowler: 1 Cent Green. In celebration of the 300th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims, the U.S. Post Office, issued a series of 3 stamps. Critics complained the stamps were too small and the designs too crowded. they were also the first issues not bearing words to indicate the country of origin. Many thought they would be recalled. This issue illustrates the Mayfower which carried 102 People originally bound for Virginia. They made landfall at Massachusetts and orginally founded the Plymouth Plantation.

Landing of the Pilgrims: 2 Cent Carmine Rose. This issue shows the Pilgrims landing at Cape Cod, Massachusette. Contrary to early public opinion, stamp experts believe today that this issue illustrates fine detail and required extreme skill from the engraver. In fact, had the cloud background been left out of the design, philatelists feel this issue might rank as on the outstanding U.S. stamps of the 20th century.

Signing of the Compact: 5 Cent Deep Blue. The Compact bound the Pilgrims into a civil unity. They were dedicated to the principle of relighous freedom, and the Compact enabled the colony to have a democratic form of government originally headed by John Carver.

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