Dave's United States Postage Stamp Collection

1946 Commemoratives

Merchant Marine: 3 Cent Blue Green. Issued to commemorate the actions and achievements of the United Stetes Merchant Marines in WWII. Illustrates Liberty ship unloading cargo.

Veterans of World War II: 3 Cent Dark Violet. Honors those who served in the second world war and pictures the Honorable Discharge Emblem.

Tennessee Statehood: 3 Cent Dark Violet. Commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the admission of Tennessee to statehood. Shows Andrew Jackson, John Sevier and the state capitol, Nashville.

Iowa Statehood: 3 Cent Deep Blue. Issued to commemorate the 100th Anniverary of the admission of Iowa to the Union. Illustrates the Iowa state flag and map.

Smithsonian Institution: 3 Cent Violet Brown. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Smithsonian Institution. Inscribed "For the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge Among Men".

Kearny Expedition: 3 Cent Brown Violet. Issued to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the entry of General Watts Kearny into Santa Fe.

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