Dave's United States Postage Stamp Collection

1934 National Parks Commemoratives

Yellowstone: 5 Cent Blue. This issue celebrates the first of the National Parks created by Congress. It is in Northwestern Wyoming, and it is famous for its' hot springs, geysers, falls and canyons.

Crater Lake National Park: 6 Cent Dark Blue. Honors Crater Lake National Park Located in the Cascade Mountain Range of Southwestern Oregon. It consists of about 250 square miles of land and its focal point is the crater of a extinct volcano filled with water.

Acadia National Park: 7 Cent Black. Salutes Acadia National Park which is located on Mount Desert Island in Maine. The park has 65 square miles of territory.

Zion National Park: 8 Cent Sage Green. The Zion National Park is situated in Southwestern Utah and consists of 229 square miles. The stamp pictures the "Great White Throne" which is one of the peculiar rock formations within the park.

Glacier National Park: 9 Cent Orange. Honors Glacier National Park which is located in North-Western Montana. It is a forest, lake and glacier preserve some 1,583 miles in size.

Great Smoky Mountains: 10 Cent Gray Black. Pays tribute to the Smoky Mountain National Park which is 800 square miles and contains most of the Great Smoky Mountain Range.

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