Dave's United States Postal Stamp Collection
1938 Commemoratives |
Colonial Court House: 3 Cent Deep Violet. Issued in celebration of the 150th Anniveersary of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Pictures the Old Courthouse in Williamsburg, Virginia. Landing of Swedes and Finns: 3 Cent Red Violet. A special stamp honoring the 300th Annivesary of the first colony of Swedish and Finnish settlers in America. Colonization of the West: 3 Cent Bright Violet. Issued to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of settlement of the Northwest Territory. Pictures a famous statue in Mariette, Ohio. Oregon Territory Centennial: 3 Cent Purple. Issued on the 100th Anniversary of the settling of the Old Oregon Territory as shown on map. Indian and covered wagon vignettes at the sides. Old Iowa Capitol Building: 3 Cent Violet. Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of Iowa Territory. Central design is the Old Capitol Building in Iowa City. |